Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Boots

I'm considering getting some new boots for the winter.  The ones I have now are by far unsatisfactory.  I decided I wanted a 6" height, waterproof, either dark brown or black, & 11.5"  I have to decide between 1 of these boots, but I can't.  :(
That's where you come in.  Help me out, & give me some other perspectives.


  1. uuuuhm... the first one. Because... it... looks the coolest *grimace*

  2. No other reason? You can click on the lnx btw...

  3. I vote for the Smith & Wesson pair; second option. It looks to be the most comfortable, versatile and long-wearing. If not that one, I'd pick the 3rd or the 5th option.

  4. I ended up going with the Norse & Oakleys. Thanks a lot Lizzie... :(
    I appreciate the input all.


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